- Refresh Restoration
- House Wash
House Wash
House Wash
At Refresh Restoration, we understand that your home’s exterior is constantly exposed to the elements, resulting in a buildup of dirt, mildew, algae, and other contaminants over time. Our house washing service is designed to thoroughly clean the outside of your home, restoring its original beauty and protecting it from long-term damage. Whether your home has vinyl, stucco, brick, or wood siding, we use industry-leading pressure washing techniques that are tailored to each material. Our process ensures the complete removal of all harmful contaminants without causing any damage to your property.
Our team utilizes a soft washing method for delicate surfaces to avoid any potential damage caused by high-pressure washing. Soft washing involves using low-pressure water combined with eco-friendly detergents to break down and remove dirt, mold, and algae. This method is gentle on your home while delivering powerful results. The cleaning solutions we use are biodegradable and safe for your landscaping, family, and pets.
A clean home exterior not only enhances curb appeal but also helps prevent long-term issues such as mold growth and premature aging of building materials. By eliminating algae and mold, our house washing service can even improve the air quality around your home, making your outdoor spaces healthier and more enjoyable. Regular house washing can also help preserve the structural integrity of your siding, saving you money on costly repairs in the future.
For homes exposed to humid climates or areas with heavy rainfall, it’s especially important to maintain a regular house washing schedule. This helps prevent the growth of mold and mildew, which can spread quickly in damp conditions. Our team will assess your home’s specific needs and provide a customized cleaning plan to ensure your home stays looking its best year-round.
We take pride in our attention to detail, ensuring that every inch of your home is thoroughly cleaned, from the siding to the window frames and shutters. With Refresh Restoration, you can trust that your home will be treated with care and expertise. Our goal is to leave your home looking refreshed, revitalized, and ready to make a great impression.
Our house washing service is not just cosmetic; it plays a vital role in maintaining the health of your home. By removing dirt and organic matter that can trap moisture, we help prevent rot, mold, and other issues that could compromise the safety and durability of your home. Whether you’re preparing your house for sale or simply want to enjoy a cleaner, more inviting exterior, we’re here to provide top-notch service.